G.A.T.E. (Gifted and Talented Education Program)
Montague Charter Academy for the
Arts and Sciences
Gifted and Talented Students Program Overview
I. Philosophy/Goal
Montague Charter Academy is committed to an educational program that recognizes
the unique value, needs, and talents of individual students. Our Gifted and Talented
Education (GATE) program is designed to provide access to appropriate and unique
learning opportunities through a variety of strategies, including differentiated
instruction, project-based learning, and special programs.
The GATE program endeavors to:
● Increase the application of critical thinking and problem-solving abilities
● Promote social-emotional well-being
● Stimulate creative abilities
● Motivate students to reach their highest potential
● Meet student needs through flexible grouping and opportunities that
promote intellectual peer interaction
● Address the needs of a diverse student population
II. Federal Definition and California Ed Code
The following description, based on the definition in the federal Javits Gifted and
Talented Education Act, reflects today’s knowledge and thinking:
Children and youth with outstanding talent perform or show the potential for
performing at remarkably high levels of accomplishment when compared with
others of their age, experience, or environment.
These children and youth exhibit high performance capability in intellectual,
creative and/or artistic areas, possess an unusual leadership capacity, or excel in
specific academic fields. They require services and activities not ordinarily provided
by the schools.
Outstanding talents are present in children and youth from all cultural groups,
across all economic strata, and in all areas of human endeavor.