P.E. Policies
Mustang Fitness P.E. Policies 2018-19
General P.E. Run Down
Every P.E. session is one hour. The first part of P.E. is devoted to stretches and aerobic exercises followed by running. The second half is devoted to games or activities that teach skills set forth from the California State Standards.
Memorandum for Teachers:
- Please be on time. It is very difficult to start P.E. and lead stretches when classes are coming in at different times.
- Teachers or T.A.’s must walk students to the field and line them up in to two lines.
- Please pick up students on time! It is imperative that you do so. Supervising one whole grade level is difficult enough and two is nearly impossible. Most incidents happen during this overlap period.
- Please communicate with me.(P.E. Coach) Let me know if you need to switch or cancel your P.E. session, use the field during P.E., or any other hardship you may have.(At least one day prior notice)
- Students will receive a grade for each P.E. session they attend. At the end of the month teachers will receive the weekly grading sheet. (It will be composed of three to four sheets a month)
Proper P.E. Attire
All students must wear proper P.E. attire on the day of their corresponding P.E. session. It is for their safety and wellbeing.
- Improper P.E. attire may result in not being able to participate in class activities. Students who do not follow set policy will receive a letter grade of “N” for the day (needs to improve).
Required P.E. clothes are as follows:
- Shorts, pants, sweats.(No skirts)
- T-shirts preferred but, polos and button down shirts will be permitted. (No spaghetti straps, or cut offs)
- Athletic shoes and socks. (No open toe shoes, boots, flats, or cleats)
- P.E. Coach must approve attire to participate during P.E.
Exemptions From P.E.
- With a parent note, a student may be excused from P.E. for that day. The note must be SIGNED AND DATED. A doctor’s note is required if the student is to miss more than one P.E. session consecutively. An alternate activity may be assigned by their teacher during P.E. session.
- All medical notes from doctors must be filed with the school nurse, with an additional copy to the P.E. teacher.