Science and Social Science/Geography
Science Units will be taught in our Science Lab and in the classroom.
Physical Science
Forces and Interactions
Life Science
Ecosystems (Life Cycles, Adaptations, Survival, Inherited Traits)
Earth Science
Weather, Climate, and Weather-Related Hazards
Engineering Design to Solve Problems
History-Social Science (Continuity and Change)
Geography of the Local Region
Why did people settle in California?
American Indians of the Local Region
Who were the first people in my community?
Development of the Local Community: Change Over Time
Why did people move to my community?
How has my community changed over time?
American Citizens, Symbols, and Government
What is the U.S. Constitution, and why is it important?
How can I help my community?
Economics of the Local Region: Choices, Costs, and Human Capital
What issues are important to my community?