Special Education » About Special Education

About Special Education


Montague Charter Academy for the Arts and Sciences welcomes all students to enroll for a high quality education that features an academic program where students thrive in their learning and achieve in their educational experience. 


Students who enroll with existing IEPs for services will have those services honored and implemented at Montague.  Students who enroll with active Assessment Plans generated at other schools will have their assessments completed at Montague.   Students from other districts will receive a “30-day new to district” IEP to transfer their information into our Welligent system database; applicable services would begin upon enrollment.  Students who have or need 504 Plans will have those completed at Montague.   The Montague Special Education Department is staffed with professional, licensed, credentialed service providers who are highly respected within their fields.  Montague’s Service Providers currently support students for: The Resource Specialist Program, Language and Speech, Adapted Physical Education, Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, Deaf and Hard of Hearing, Psychologist, Least Restrictive Environment Counselor and School Nurse. Montague has a Special Day Class Setting on site.


Montague Charter Academy is proud to announce that it continues to offer programs of Art, Music, Chorus and Drama, Technology, Science and Library Media as part of its unique curriculum for all students.

Montague is an ADA accessible campus.

For more information about enrolling your child at Montague, IEP’s or questions about services for your child, please contact Mrs. Blisten, Director of Student Support Services at (818) 899-0391 or by e-mail, [email protected]